let’s begin

I have made a decision, it probably isn’t a great one, but it is a decision. I suppose that counts as forward momentum, although it feels as if I have been living in a perpetual state of panic for quite some time and all decisions or ideas of forward momentum feel as if they are just bandaids for my widening failures.


Shit, that was too much to start this whole blogging once again. Shall we dive into my imposter syndrome? Or my questionable childhood next? Gosh, that would be a hoot! Let’s not though, even though it seems you may be keen to listen.

Let’s actually begin, like actually preserve something. Or grow something.

It is May and quickly turning into June. And though I missed things like building greenhouses, starting seeds, or filling garden beds, I can start now, as you, my dear reader (just the one, its cool, thank you) don’t care that I have just waxed poetic and meandered my way through the last 2 years.

Even in the event that you do mind, you wont say anything, because I know your mom and she raised you better than that. Don’t make me call her, not at this hour.


of the coming cold

