more clementines
Did you ever read The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair? We all should, but not right now, we are gonna make something, and the libraries are still closed. I will give you the basics- It is about the meat packing industry and the evils of capitalism. It’s brutal, and a lot, and it makes you think about some serious shit. I read it in high school, because I thought I was edgy, it went well with my Doc Martins and my black fishnets. I miss the 90’s- damn i was cool back then…
I will get to my point.
There is a quote in the book -
“They use everything about the hog except the squeal.”
I am not going to talk about the meat packing industry or pigs or the evils of anything- not today, today we talk clementines, again.
I reference The Jungle because the other day we made jelly with unwanted clementines and today we will make a cleaner with the peels, thereby using every part of the clementine but the squeal.
Here are all our peels.
So so easy.
Get a large mason jar, or any other jar that has a tight fitting lid. Fill it up with all of the peels from clementine jelly. Then fill the jar up with white vinegar, making sure to cover the peels. Put the lid on and store in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Once the 2 weeks are up, strain the orange peels out. You have created a cleaner! Nice job! Feel free to water it down if you’d like, and use to clean stuff.
Please note this is not a disinfectant, it will not kill major germs, like the covid-19 or anything like that, this is a nice supplimental cleaner for when you need to tidy up. Save your Lysol and other cleaners for when you need them.